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Showing posts from September, 2015

Legal Aid Board Sierra Leone, has aided the release of 14 boys

Legal Aid Board Sierra Leone, has aided the release of 14 boys

JOURNALISTS, THE LAW AND JUDICIAL REPORTING IN SIERRA LEONE Joel Tejan Deen-Tarawally Esq.  LLM in International Human Rights Law and Democratization in Africa Barrister at Law, LLB, BA.  Journalism, like the legal profession, is a profession that is of ancient origin and also universally celebrated, but until we fully understand the true significance of the role of journalism in our modern day society we cannot truly realize the benefits of democracy, transparency and good governance in our nation. Almost all Sierra Leoneans are witnesses and players to the radical and dramatic change in the media landscape of our present day society; today even the man in the most remote village in Sierra Leone can make a post on facebook or twitter or whatsap and inform the entire world about an event in his village ā€“ we are now living in a global village where information can be transmitted and shared by just a click on our phones or tabs or computers. This definitely has wider impli...

LAB TRAILER Respect u sef

The Executive Director, Lawyer Claire Carlton-Hanciles with the released convicts Legal Aid Board Sierra Leone, has aided the release of 14 boys who were standing trial on a five count charge, including 3 counts on Malicious Damage, Riotous Conduct, Throwing Missiles, and Conspiracy. It could be recalled that on the 3 rd of September this year, 14 boys attacked the Calaba Town Police Station in the east end of Freetown, which resulted to the destruction of the building. Pleaded guilty and were given suspended sentences.   It all started at the Police Executive Board meeting this meeting to which the Legal Aid Board was invited. The Executive Director, Lawyer Claire Carlton-Hanciles said that her office founded out that most of the 14 boys were secondary school pupils and have missed out in the exams. She pointed out that though her office regretted the unfortunate actions of the boys, she stood there to plead on their behalf. She emphatically condemned their actions a...

Synopsis of the Legal Aid Programme

  Sierra Leone Legal Aid Board   Introduction Access to a well-funded legal aid scheme is key to the attainment of justice for the poor, marginalized and disadvantaged, though in some circumstances other categories of highly placed persons or professional may require it. Globally many countries around the world have invested in programs and interventions on providing free legal aid services to its citizens. The UN member states have thus accepted that legal aid schemes must not only be optional but should be a key component of national legal justice systems. The UN Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice in Vienna adopted a resolution on "access to legal aid in criminal justice systems". The resolution adopts a set of "Principles and Guidelines" designed to ensure that access to legal information, advice and assistance is available to all through the provision of legal aidā€”thus realizing rights for the poor and marginalized and entrenching o...

Interview at SLBC about the Legal Aid Board in Sierra Leone