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Showing posts from February 19, 2016

Today 19/February/2016 discharged persons.

Legal Aid Board has held a Legal Aid Prevention meeting with Executives of the Ordehlay Union

Legal Aid Board has held a Legal Aid Prevention meeting with Executives of the Ordehlay Union, at the Africel American Hall, at Bathurst Street, in Freetown. Members of the Ordehlay Union expressed their excitement to meet with the Legal Aid Board, having heard so much about the Boardā€™s work. Among other things, the issue of clique activities in the different communities was discussed.  It was generally perceived that clique groups were members of ordehlay groups, a charge which the ordehley union members vehemently denied. They called on the Legal Aid Board to continue in their quest to change lives in society, especially the under privileged who get into conflict of the law, and pledged their loyalty to the Board and its mandate. Present were representatives from Civilly Rule of Kroo Bay, Bloody Mary, Arie Momgbeh of Cassel Farm, Kissy, Seven Eleven of Kroo Town Road, Bolo Binneh of Portee, Eastern Paddle, Fire Stone, Arie Pachanga, Arie Fourah Bay, Lorda Masi, Tet...
Legal aid is a pivotal element of a fair, humane and efficient criminal justice system that is based on the rule of law. International law and standards are crystal clear on the fact that states should ensure a comprehensive legal aid system that is accessible, effective, sustainable, and credible so that justice can be accessible to all. Sierra Leone is a signatory to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights which provides for the right to fair trial and legal aid in Article 14(3) (d). The Sierra Leone Constitution also provides for this right in Sections 23 and 25.  Sierra Leone passed the Legal Aid Act in May 2012, thus establishing the Sierra Leone Legal Aid Board (LAB) which is an independent organ with an objective of providing legal aid nationwide. The Boardā€™s core functions include the provision of legal information and education, provision of legal advice and legal representation in the court of law. Its functions further include the provision of legal ai...