The Executive Director of the Legal Aid Board, Ms. Fatmata Claire Carlton-Hanciles left the shores of Sierra Leone on Sunday, May 21 for Vienna, Austria to attend a conference to examine challenges to measuring the Sustainable Development Goals (SGD) target 16.3 on access to justice at national and international level. In particular, it will discuss what the current indicators say about access to justice in the various countries and the work of international organizations, government bodies and civil society on how to measure effectively access to justice and pretrial detention practices. The meeting is a side event organized by the Open Society Justice Initiative and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) Research and Justice Sections during the UNODC Crime Commission Session in Vienna, Austria. The side event is support by the Government of Sierra Leone and the Legal Aid Board of Sierra Leone. Ms. Carlton-Hanciles will be one of four speakers at the side ev...