SUMMARY OF COURT ACTIVITIES FOR THE WEEK ENDING SATURDAY 25 th June, 2016. There were a total of 191 cases in the different courts; 142 cases in the High Court, 25 in the Magistrate courts and 24 in the Juvenile court. STATISTICS FOR 20 TH -25 TH JUNE, 2016 C OUR T ACTIVITIES Out of all the indigents, 282 were male adults and 8 were female adult, 10 were male juveniles and 17 female juvenile. 7 male adults were discharged; 1 male adult was put on bail. 6 male adults were sentenced to various correctional terms. The numbers of discharged indigents according to profession were as followers; 3 secondary pupils, 2 drivers and 2 tertiary students. The number of discharged people according to the crime from which they were discharged was as follows: 3 for House Breaking and Larceny, 1 for Abuse of a Young Girl, 3 for Robbery with Aggravation. The indigents were discharged as a result of applications made for discharge for want of prosecution, by Legal Aid Bo...