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Showing posts from August 5, 2016

Legal Aid approves Guide to simplify operations

‘I would advise that after today’s workshop, steps would be taken to make the Guide a Statutory Instrument for it to have the force of law and bind all accredited legal aid providers. I would enjoin all participants to go through the draft Legal Aid Guide meticulously so as to make it a very good instrument in the furtherance of the work of the Board and the delivery of justice in our beloved country.’ Hon. Chief Justice, Abdulai Charm made these remarks at the endorsement meeting on the Legal Aid Guide held at the Cube Restaurant on Thursday, August 4. The Chief Justice intimated that the Judiciary’s continued involvement and willingness to participate in the work of legal aid institutions is not accidental rather it is founded on a strong legal basis because Section 120 of the national Constitution confers all judicial power in Sierra Leone on the Judiciary which is headed by the Chief Justice. The Executive Director of the Legal Aid Board, Ms. Fatmata Claire Carlton-Hanci...

AG Counsel Legal Aid clients

                                                                                         AG Counsel Legal Aid clients. The Attorney General and Minister of Justice, Hon. Joseph Kamara told three newly discharged clients of the Legal Aid Board that they have another chance to start life. Hon. Kamara performed his first public function following the gruesome accident he was involved in by participating in pre-discharge counselling session at the Legal Aid Board head office on Tuesday, August 2. ‘You do not condemn a child to the very end,’ he said. ‘We do not see you as people who are condemned. We see you as victims like many others and this is why the Government is interested in your welfare.’ Hon. Joseph Kamara said the government will help to rehabilita...