Summary of Court Activities for the week ending 8 th April 2016 There were a total of 211 cases in the different courts. There were 139 cases in the High Court, 47 in the Magistrate courts and 25 in the Juvenile court. Out of all the indigents, 177 were male adults and 9 were female adults, while 22 were male juveniles and 3 were female juveniles. 10 male adults, 1 female adult, and 2 male juveniles were discharged, and 9 juveniles were sentenced to various terms. 6 male adults were put on bail. There were no Maintenance Orders and no Committal to the High Court. The indigent discharged, 2 builders, 2 traders, 1 bike rider, 1 hair dresser, 3 factory workers, 1 carpenters, 1 apprentice fitter and 2 pupils. The number of people and the crimes, for which the indigents discharged were held, are as follows: 1 for Robbery with aggravation, 1 for Wounding with intent, 1 for Abusive language, 3 for Manslaughter, 3 for Larceny, 1 for Child Stealing, 1 for Burglary and L...