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Showing posts from June, 2017

LAB and Office of Ombudsman sign MOU

LAB and Office of Ombudsman sign MOU The Legal Aid Board and the Office of the Ombudsman have signed a Memorandum of Understanding which formalizes the relationship between the two institutions with the aim of addressing the justice needs of people. The signing took place in the morning in the conference room of the Office of the Attorney General and Ministry of Justice on Wednesday, 28 June 2018 in the presence of journalists and staff of both institutions. The MOU will see one institution refer complaints to the other based on their respective mandate.  This means the Office of the Ombudsman will refer complaints which fall within the mandate of Legal Aid Board. The Board in turn will do the same for complaints which fall under the Office of the Ombudsman. In his statement prior to signing the MOU, the new Ombudsman, Lawyer Melron Nilcol-Wilson said his Office has complaints which fall within the mandate of the Legal Aid Board.  He noted that in the past, comp...

LAB calls on stakeholders in the East to invest in the Bureaus

LAB calls on stakeholders in the East to invest in the Bureaus.                  The Executive Director of the Legal Aid Board, Ms. Fatmata Claire Carlton-Hanciles has called on the stakeholders in Wellington and Calaba Town in the East of the capital Freetown to do more to support the Community Advisory Bureaus (CAB) in their respective Wards if they should become relevant to the people. The call follows a joint assessment of the fifteen Bureaus in the capital Freetown by the Public Relations and the Outreach and Community Affairs Departments. The report shows that nine of the fifteen Bureaus are performing below expectations in terms of addressing the justice needs of the community. The reports notes that the Bureaus in Wards  391, 393 and 394 covering Pipeline, Thompson Bay, UN Drive, Scan Drive, Caningo, Sheriff Drive, Wilkinson Road and Grassfield in Lumley in the West and Wards 346 in Ca...