AG Counsel Legal Aid clients.
The Attorney General and Minister of Justice, Hon. Joseph
Kamara told three newly discharged clients of the Legal Aid Board that they
have another chance to start life. Hon. Kamara performed his first public
function following the gruesome accident he was involved in by participating in
pre-discharge counselling session at the Legal Aid Board head office on
Tuesday, August 2.
‘You do not condemn a child to the very end,’ he said. ‘We do
not see you as people who are condemned. We see you as victims like many others
and this is why the Government is interested in your welfare.’
Hon. Joseph Kamara said the government will help to
rehabilitate ex-convicts and remand detainees so that they become better people
in society. He encouraged the three discharge persons to be committed in
whatever trade they engage in.
‘If you want to become a mechanic, make sure you learn the
trade with all dedication,’ he said. ‘If you are committed in the things you
do, God will help you succeed.’
Hon. Joseph Kamara entreated them to listen to their parents
and elders and to avoid activities that got them into trouble. ‘If you do not
respect the law, it will bite you,’ he warned. He reminded the discharged
accused persons that they have paid the prize for falling foul of the law and
should therefore learn lessons from it.
The Executive Director of the Legal Aid Board, Ms. Fatmata
Claire Carlton-Hanciles lavished praises on the Attorney General for his
commitment to promoting the Rule of Law and access to justice in the country
and for supporting the Board in its work. She told the discharged accused
persons to go into their respective communities and prove those who have given
up on them wrong.
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